A Germany without an overall digital concept is a Germany without a future!

It is a horror scenario that every entrepreneur has to imagine. And citizens have not been spared from it either. Germany digital is like the first floor of a high-end shopping mall that nobody visits. The offerings are of the highest quality, made in Germany, and yet all the customers are on the ground floor because everyone else is downstairs.
A handful of gatekeepers own the ground floor and decide who does business there and with how much turnover.
It is truly astonishing that such an unconstitutional situation could happen when the shopping centre is under German jurisdiction. Germany could simply change the building regulations and lead the entrances to the first floor via a ramp. Then the poor gatekeepers would have nothing to laugh about. But would that be liberal? Does Germany really need something like that?

In fact, I proposed something much better than a ramp to the FDP for their programme convention. My overall concept, on the other hand, offers numerous advantages for all citizens and numerous reasons why everyone will spend more and more time on the alternative German civil rights infrastructure. This will digitally move the first floor to the ground floor, but with even more offerings that every citizen can expand until the advantage of diversity surpasses any scalable business model. You can find details on this in my books.
The crucial question is to what extent we are prepared to move digitally on a par with the USA. Only if we have the courage to go our own way can we strengthen our digital sovereignty. German politicians are faced with the challenge of giving citizens the same power of disposal over their digital property as they are used to with their analogue property. This should actually be a matter of course.

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